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online Courses

Hiring Crash Course

This is your fast-pass to the Ten Hiring Truths, so you can hire right now!

The Hiring Academy

Learn how to hire the right person, the first time, and every time.

Crush The Interview

An Interview Blueprint introductory course to get you started.

Interview Blueprint

Everything you need to know to ace the interview and land the job.

CR8 Author Course

From concept to bestseller, you can publish a book that impacts the world with your legacy.

CR8 Speaker Course

From developing your keynote topics, to impactful delivery and standing ovations.

CR8 Coach Course

Finding your unique ability to help others as a coach for their business or life. And a detailed plan.

CR8 Entrepreneurs

How do you turn your passion into a profit? This is your guide to success as an entrepreneur.


Hiring Academy LIVE

Live delivery on skills of choosing the right team members, expanded to choosing clients, and partners and so much more.

Get Hired LIVE

For upcoming graduates and transitioning military, the action plan for getting hired in the workforce.

Next Level Mindset

The activation of your drive to succeed is all about mindset. Jensen helps your audience find it and unleash it!

CR8 Your Future Events

Living the 'laptop lifestyle' is only a dream for most... we change that, and set you on a path to entrepreneurial freedom.


Cardone University

An excerpt from Grant's full program. The 100 Ways checklist of things you and your team can do to be more motivated.

Unbreakable Family Course

Create a stable, thriving family with fundamentals of parenting and household organization.


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Phone: (727) 304-5944